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Adding IP aliases in FreeBSD

··214 words·2 mins
One question I hear quite often is “how do I add IP aliases in FreeBSD?

MySQL: Missing *.ibd files

··403 words·2 mins
Using the InnoDB engine can be tricky due to the ibdata files’ rather untraditional behavior.

Obscure MySQL variable explained: max_seeks_for_key

··539 words·3 mins
MySQL documentation can be awfully flaky - extremely verbose on issues that don’t require such verbosity, and then extremely terse on issues that need a lot of explanation.

Add custom rules to the Plesk firewall

··114 words·1 min
Plesk has a (somewhat annoying) default firewall configuration that you can adjust from within the Plesk interface.

Upgrading FreeBSD remotely

··50 words·1 min
It can be best to upgrade FreeBSD in an offline state, but if you do it online, you can do it like this:

/bin/tar: Argument list too long

··52 words·1 min
If you find yourself stuck with over 30,000 files in a directory (text files in this example), packing them into a tar file can be tricky.

Automatic Plesk login

··19 words·1 min
If you want to make a quick bookmark that will automatically log yourself into Plesk, make this bookmark:

Active FTP connections through iptables

··195 words·1 min
One of the main reasons people like passive FTP is that it’s easier to get through firewalls with it.

Repair auto_increment in MySQL

··91 words·1 min
Table corruption in MySQL can often wreak havoc on the auto_increment fields.

Enable SSL support in Postfix

··80 words·1 min
If you have postfix installed with OpenSSL support compiled in, you can enable SSL connections by editing two configuration files.

MySQL time zone different from system time zone

··132 words·1 min
In some situations, the system time zone will be different than the one in MySQL, even though MySQL is set to use the system time zone.

Remove all open_basedir restrictions in Plesk

··47 words·1 min
If you want to remove all of the open_basedir restrictions for all sites in Plesk, simply create a file called /etc/httpd/conf.

Basic SNMP Configuration

··55 words·1 min
If you want to get a really basic, wide-open for localhost setup for SNMP, just toss the following into /etc/snmp/snmpd.

Corrupt /dev/null

··107 words·1 min
If you find that /dev/null is no longer a block device, and it causes issues during init on Red Hat boxes, you will need to follow these steps to return things to normal:

500 OOPS error from vsftpd

··226 words·2 mins
If you find yourself with the ever-so-peculiar 500 OOPS error from vsftpd when you attempt to login over SSH, there could be a few different things at play.

Adjusting qmail queue time / lifetime

··56 words·1 min
If you want to adjust how long e-mails will spend in the qmail queue before they’re bounced, simple set the queuelifetime:

Send Plesk e-mail to /dev/null or blackhole

··129 words·1 min
Should you find yourself needing to send e-mail destined for a certain account to a blackhole or to /dev/null, you’ll find very little information from Google.

Replace Urchin license key / serial number

··78 words·1 min
If something horrible happened to your Urchin license key or you need to replace it with something else, just run this command to change the key:

Postgres process listing

··94 words·1 min
If you’re used to SHOW PROCESSLIST; or mysqladmin processlist in MySQL, you might be searching for this same functionality in postgresql.

FreeBSD: Limiting closed port RST response

··115 words·1 min
One of the nifty things about FreeBSD’s kernel is that it will limit closed port RST responses, which, in layman’s terms, just means that if someone repeatedly hits a port that’s closed, the kernel won’t respond to all of the requests.

Arrow keys in iTerm not working in vi/vim

··69 words·1 min
I found myself pretty darned frustrated when my arrow keys didn’t work in iTerm in vi/vim or other ncurses-based applications.

Install snort and BASE on FreeBSD

··567 words·3 mins
Installing snort from ports on FreeBSD is pretty straightforward, but there are some ‘gotchas’ that you need to be aware of.

rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries

··159 words·1 min
If up2date throws some horrible Python errors and rpm says “rpmdb: Lock table is out of available locker entries”, you can restore your system to normality with the following:

Changing the default SSL certificate in Plesk

··221 words·2 mins
When Plesk is installed, the default certificate for the Plesk interface itself is a self-signed certificate that is generated during the installation.

Speeding up MySQL

··588 words·3 mins
If there’s one question I get a lot, it would be “Hey, how can I speed up MySQL?

MySQL connections in sleep state

··426 words·2 mins
On some servers, you may notice that MySQL is consuming CPU and memory resources when it’s not processing any queries.

Joomla and Plesk permissions

··134 words·1 min
Thanks to a highly awesome technician on my team, we’ve discovered the perfect permissions setup for Joomla and Plesk: