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Relay access denied

··151 words·1 min
If you’re checking through your mail logs, or you catch a bounced e-mail with “554 relay access denied” in the bounce, the issue can be related to a few different things:

Show hidden dot files in proftpd

··63 words·1 min
If you can’t see hidden files in proftpd (the files beginning with a dot, like .

Add SSL/TLS support to proftpd

··81 words·1 min
To enable SSL/TLS support in proftpd, add the following to the proftpd.

Plesk submission port (587) for outbound mail

··105 words·1 min
If you can’t send mail via port 25 due to blocks imposed by your ISP, you can enable the submission port within Plesk pretty easily.

Horde refreshes when logging in

··51 words·1 min
If you find that Horde (with Plesk) keeps refreshing when you attempt to log in, and there are no errors logged on the screen or in Apache’s logs, check the session.

Plesk SQL Statements

··126 words·1 min
When you need to find information about anything in Plesk, here’s some SQL statements that you can use:

Add SPF records to all domains in Plesk

··127 words·1 min
If you find yourself in the situation where you need to bulk add SPF records to every domain in Plesk, you can use this huge one-liner:

Telnet POP3 Commands

··36 words·1 min
If you ever need to communicate with a POP3 server via telnet to test it, here’s some commands you can use:

SSL connection to a non-secure port

··57 words·1 min
If you have weird SSL errors and this one appears, you are trying to speak SSL to a daemon that doesn’t understand it:

Disable SSH timeouts

··65 words·1 min
To pretty much completely disable SSH timeouts, simply adjust the following directives in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

Pre-upgrade Plesk Backup

··48 words·1 min
Before you upgrade Plesk, it’s always a good idea to make a backup and also make your ip and shell maps:

Disable SSLv2 in Lighttpd

··30 words·1 min
As with most things, turning off SSLv2 in Lighttpd is much easier than in Apache.

Lighttpd proxy to Tomcat

··459 words·3 mins
It seems like lighttpd and Tomcat are at the forefront of what is ‘hot’ these days.

Setting the hostname in Sendmail

··33 words·1 min
If you need to change the hostname that Sendmail announces itself as, just add the following to sendmail.

Reset MySQL root password

··92 words·1 min
If you’ve forgotten the root password for a MySQL server, but you know the system root, you can reset the MySQL root password pretty easily.

Adjust max_execution_time for Horde in Plesk

··151 words·1 min
Often times, the wonderful webmail application known as Horde will spin out of control and cause unnecessary resource usage and often cause defunct Apache processes to appear.

Forcing HTTPS with PHP

··22 words·1 min
To force HTTPS with a PHP script, just put this snippet near the top:

Change Primary IP Address in Plesk

··122 words·1 min
If you need to change to a different primary IP in Plesk, here’s the easiest way:

Disabling SSLv2 in Plesk

··59 words·1 min
To disable SSLv2 server-wide on a Plesk server, add this in your /etc/httpd/conf.

Hide Apache Version

··23 words·1 min
If you want to hide the current version of Apache and your OS, just replace

Chmod and the mysterious first octet

··783 words·4 mins
If you’ve ever worked on a linux system, chances are that you’ve used chmod many times.

Understanding LVM

··671 words·4 mins
LVM is handy when you want additional flexibility to grow or shrink your storage space safely without impacting filesystems negatively.

Measuring raw shell bandwidth

··221 words·2 mins
Okay, so we know it’s easy to measure web, ftp and mail traffic, right?

Bulk IP update in Plesk

··442 words·3 mins
There’s lots of situations where you’d want to use a bulk IP change in Plesk:

Finding compromised mail accounts in Plesk

··291 words·2 mins
If odd bounced e-mails are coming back to the server or the server is listed in a blacklist, some accounts may be compromised on the server.

Enabling SSL in ProFTPD

··24 words·1 min
If you need to enable SSL in ProFTPD, try this out:

Rewrite for certain IP addresses

··21 words·1 min
Need to redirect all users except for yourself to another site until yours is live?

Getting the SMTP Auth ID with Plesk

··55 words·1 min
If you think an e-mail account has been hacked in Plesk, use this to hunt down which one it could be:

Cisco Logging to RHEL

··111 words·1 min
If you have a Cisco device logging to RHEL, here’s all that’s necessary:

Treason Uncloaked

··138 words·1 min
TCP: Treason uncloaked!