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Running Ansible in OpenShift with arbitrary UIDs

··590 words·3 mins
My work at Red Hat involves testing lots and lots of kernels from various sources and we use GitLab CE to manage many of our repositories and run our CI jobs.


Old role, new name: ansible-hardening

··164 words·1 min
The interest in the openstack-ansible-security role has taken off faster than I expected, and one piece of constant feedback I received was around the name of the role.

RHEL 7 STIG v1 updates for openstack-ansible-security

··204 words·1 min
DISA’s final release of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) came out a few weeks ago and it has plenty of improvements and changes.



What I learned while securing Ubuntu

··1308 words·7 mins
The blog posts have slowed down a bit lately because I’ve been heads down on a security project at work.

Test Fedora 22 at Rackspace with Ansible

··105 words·1 min
Fedora 22 will be arriving soon and it’s easy to test on Rackspace’s cloud with my Ansible playbook: