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Live migration failures with KVM and libvirt

··334 words·2 mins
I decided to change some of my infrastructure back to KVM again, and the overall experience has been quite good in Fedora 22.

Very slow ssh logins on Fedora 22

··170 words·1 min
I’ve recently set up a Fedora 22 firewall/router at home (more on that later) and I noticed that remote ssh logins were extremely slow.

Book Review: Linux Kernel Development

··760 words·4 mins
I picked up a copy of Robert Love’s book, Linux Kernel Development, earlier this year and I’ve worked my way through it over the past several weeks.

Improving LXC template security

··312 words·2 mins
I’ve been getting involved with the Fedora Security Team lately and we’re working as a group to crush security bugs that affect Fedora, CentOS (via EPEL) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (via EPEL).

Time for a new GPG key

··254 words·2 mins
After an unfortunate death of my Yubikey NEO and a huge mistake on backups, I’ve come to realize that it’s time for a new GPG key.

Chrome 43 stuck in HiDPI mode

··311 words·2 mins
I ran some package updates last night and ended up with a new version of Google Chrome from the stable branch.

Keep old kernels with yum and dnf

··206 words·1 min
When you upgrade packages on Red Hat, CentOS and Fedora systems, the newer package replaces the older package.

Automatic package updates with dnf

··354 words·2 mins
With Fedora 22’s release date quickly approaching, it’s time to familiarize yourself with dnf.

Run virsh and access libvirt as a regular user

··194 words·1 min

libvirt logoLibvirt is a handy way to manage containers and virtual machines on various systems. On most distributions, you can only access the libvirt daemon via the root user by default. I’d rather use a regular non-root user to access libvirt and limit that access via groups.

Share a wireless connection via ethernet in GNOME 3.14

··368 words·2 mins

There are some situations where you want to do the opposite of creating a wireless hotspot and you want to share a wireless connection to an ethernet connection. For example, if you’re at a hotel that offers only WiFi internet access, you could share that connection to an ethernet switch and plug in more devices. Also, you could get online with your wireless connection and create a small NAT network to test a network device without mangling your home network.

Test Fedora 22 at Rackspace with Ansible

··105 words·1 min
Fedora 22 will be arriving soon and it’s easy to test on Rackspace’s cloud with my Ansible playbook:

Using play/pause buttons in Chrome with GNOME 3

··160 words·1 min
I wrote a post last summer about preventing Chrome from stealing the media buttons (like play, pause, previous track and next track) from OS X.

Lessons learned from a kernel bisection

··494 words·3 mins
I’m far from being a kernel developer, but I found myself staring down a [peculiar touchpad problem][2] with my new Dell XPS 13.


Install sysstat on Fedora 21

··366 words·2 mins
One of the first tools I learned about after working with Red Hat was sysstat.

Send weechat notifications via Pushover

··238 words·2 mins
IRC is my main communication mechanism and I’ve gradually moved from graphical clients, to irssi and then to weechat.

Asus Maximus VI Gene – Error 55

··557 words·3 mins
It’s been quite a while since I built a computer but I decided to give it a try for a new hypervisor/NAS box at home.

Start Jenkins on Fedora 20

··278 words·2 mins
Installing Jenkins on Fedora 20 is quite easy thanks to the available Red Hat packages, but I ran into problems when I tried to start Jenkins.

Unexpected predictable network naming with systemd

··472 words·3 mins
While using a Dell R720 at work today, we stumbled upon a problem where the predictable network device naming with systemd gave us some unpredictable results.

AVC: denied dyntransition from sshd

··163 words·1 min
I’ve been working with some Fedora environments in chroots and I ran into a peculiar SELinux AVC denial a short while ago:

Fixing broken DNS lookups in spamassassin

··311 words·2 mins
I talked about the joys of running my own mail server last week only to find that my mail server was broken yesterday.

Text missing in chrome on Linux

··245 words·2 mins
I’m in the process of trying Fedora 20 on my retina MacBook and I ran into a peculiar issue with Chrome.

Docker, trusted builds, and Fedora 20

··417 words·2 mins
Docker is a hot topic in the Linux world at the moment and I decided to try out the new trusted build process.