Dark mode in Sway 9 January 2024·Updated: 14 May 2024·432 words·3 mins Dark mode lovers rejoice! It’s possible to get (most) applications to show up in dark mode in the Sway window manager. 😎
Sway reload causes a Firefox crash 24 May 2022·Updated: 14 May 2024·711 words·4 mins Reload your sway config without disrupting Firefox. 🔥
Enable dark mode in Firefox without changing themes 19 July 2021·Updated: 14 May 2024·242 words·2 mins Firefox allows you to set dark mode as the default without changing themes or changing your desktop configuration. 😎
Disable autoplay for videos in Firefox 65 18 December 2018·Updated: 14 May 2024·142 words·1 min Firefox has some great features, but one of my favorites is the ability to disable autoplay for videos.
Highlight IP addresses with a double click in Firefox 16 August 2011·Updated: 14 May 2024·145 words·1 min My daily work involves working with a large number of servers and one of my frustrations with Firefox is that it’s not possible to select an entire IP address with a double click with the default settings.