Very unscientific GlusterFS benchmarks 13 August 2010·Updated: 14 May 2024·375 words·2 mins I’ve been getting requests for GlusterFS benchmarks from every direction lately and I’ve been a bit slow on getting them done.
One month with GlusterFS in production 11 August 2010·Updated: 14 May 2024·1153 words·6 mins As many of you might have noticed from my previous GlusterFS blog post and my various tweets, I’ve been working with GlusterFS in production for my personal hosting needs for just over a month.
GlusterFS on the cheap with Rackspace’s Cloud Servers or Slicehost 28 May 2010·Updated: 14 May 2024·742 words·4 mins NOTE: This post is out of date and is relevant only for GlusterFS 2.