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Customize GNOME from i3

··310 words·2 mins
All of your GNOME and gtk applications are configured in i3 with a few simple tricks.

Deploy monit in OpenShift

··1117 words·6 mins
Monit is a tried-and-true monitoring daemon that is easy to deploy. Add it to OpenShift to make monitoring even easier.

Get faster GitLab runners with a ramdisk

··589 words·3 mins
Many cloud providers give you lots of memory with each instance and you can speed up tests and builds by using a ramdisk.

Fedora 30 on Google Compute Engine

··877 words·5 mins
Fedora 30 is a great Linux distribution for cloud platforms, but it needs a little work to perform well on Google Compute Engine.

Ham Radio FAQ

··3982 words·19 mins
Welcome! #This page is a work in progress!

Get a /56 from Spectrum using wide-dhcpv6

··101 words·1 min
After writing my last post on my IPv6 woes with my Pixel 3, some readers asked how I’m handling IPv6 on my router lately.

Stop audio pops on Intel HD Audio

··630 words·3 mins
I recently picked up a Dell Optiplex 7060 and I’m using it as my main workstation now.

Automatic floating windows in i3

··651 words·4 mins
The i3 window manager is a fast window manager that helps you keep all of your applications in the right place.

DevConf.CZ 2019 Recap

··690 words·4 mins
DevConf.CZ 2019 wrapped up last weekend and it was a great event packed with lots of knowledgeable speakers, an engaging hallway track, and delicious food.


Install testing kernels in Fedora

··465 words·3 mins
If you’re on the latest Fedora release, you’re already running lots of modern packages.


RHEL 7 STIG v1 updates for openstack-ansible-security

··204 words·1 min
DISA’s final release of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) came out a few weeks ago and it has plenty of improvements and changes.


Power 8 to the people

··980 words·5 mins
IBM Edge 2016 is almost over and I’ve learned a lot about Power 8 this week.

Recovering deleted Chrome bookmarks on Linux

··85 words·1 min
After getting a bit overzealous with cleaning up bookmarks in Chrome, I discovered that I deleted a helpful Gerrit filter for OpenStack reviews.


Understanding systemd’s predictable network device names

··1310 words·7 mins
I talked a bit about systemd’s network device name in my earlier post about systemd-networkd and bonding and I received some questions about how systemd rolls through the possible names of network devices to choose the final name.

Book Review: Linux Kernel Development

··760 words·4 mins
I picked up a copy of Robert Love’s book, Linux Kernel Development, earlier this year and I’ve worked my way through it over the past several weeks.

Run virsh and access libvirt as a regular user

··194 words·1 min

libvirt logoLibvirt is a handy way to manage containers and virtual machines on various systems. On most distributions, you can only access the libvirt daemon via the root user by default. I’d rather use a regular non-root user to access libvirt and limit that access via groups.

Share a wireless connection via ethernet in GNOME 3.14

··368 words·2 mins

There are some situations where you want to do the opposite of creating a wireless hotspot and you want to share a wireless connection to an ethernet connection. For example, if you’re at a hotel that offers only WiFi internet access, you could share that connection to an ethernet switch and plug in more devices. Also, you could get online with your wireless connection and create a small NAT network to test a network device without mangling your home network.

Lessons learned from a kernel bisection

··494 words·3 mins
I’m far from being a kernel developer, but I found myself staring down a [peculiar touchpad problem][2] with my new Dell XPS 13.

Using ZoneMinder with a Logitech C270 webcam

··272 words·2 mins
For those of you in the market for a cheap webcam for videoconferencing or home surveillance, the Logitech C270 is hard to beat at about $20-25 USD.


Helpful Linux I/O stack diagram

··78 words·1 min
During one of my regular trips to reddit, I stumbled upon an amazingly helpful Linux I/O stack diagram:

Docker, trusted builds, and Fedora 20

··417 words·2 mins
Docker is a hot topic in the Linux world at the moment and I decided to try out the new trusted build process.

Installing Xen on Fedora 20

··264 words·2 mins
I’ve written about installing Xen on Fedora 19 and earlier versions on this blog before.


Learn octal file permissions easily with stat

··106 words·1 min
My SANS classmates were learning how to set and recognize file permissions on a Linux server and we realized it would be helpful to display the octal value of the permissions next to the normal rwx display.