451 Could not complete sender verify callout 29 March 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·168 words·1 min This is one of Exim’s more cryptic errors:
Setting the hostname in Sendmail 27 March 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·33 words·1 min If you need to change the hostname that Sendmail announces itself as, just add the following to sendmail.
Adjust max_execution_time for Horde in Plesk 23 March 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·151 words·1 min Often times, the wonderful webmail application known as Horde will spin out of control and cause unnecessary resource usage and often cause defunct Apache processes to appear.
Quick and fancy mail blacklist checking 12 March 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·68 words·1 min I rarely try to toot my own horn, but I’ve created a pretty handy site.
Stopping Double Bounces in Plesk 5 March 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·15 words·1 min To stop those evil double bounce e-mails in Plesk, just do:
Disable Dr. Web Notifications in Plesk 27 February 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·43 words·1 min You can edit /etc/drweb/drweb_qmail.
Finding compromised mail accounts in Plesk 10 February 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·291 words·2 mins If odd bounced e-mails are coming back to the server or the server is listed in a blacklist, some accounts may be compromised on the server.
Verify that SSLv2 is disabled 24 January 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·74 words·1 min If you’re looking to get PCI/CISP compliance, or you just like better security, disable SSL version 2.
Repairing the qmail queue 11 January 2007·Updated: 14 May 2024·278 words·2 mins There are three main things to remember when it comes to the qmail queue:
Can’t Kill Sendmail Processes 29 December 2006·Updated: 14 May 2024·98 words·1 min If you find yourself in the sticky situation where kill -9 still won’t kill a sendmail process, check the process list.
Fixing Invalid HELO’s 27 December 2006·Updated: 14 May 2024·329 words·2 mins If your server is spewing an invalid HELO, you could be blacklisted pretty quickly.
Postfix – Forwarding Virtual Mailboxes 27 December 2006·Updated: 14 May 2024·63 words·1 min Setting up Postfix to handle mail for a virtual domain and forward it to external mailboxes is pretty easy.