A modern implementation and explanation of Linux Virtual Server (LVS) 27 June 2010·Updated: 14 May 2024·813 words·4 mins Typical configuration for a proxy-type load balancer
A New Year System Administrator Inspiration 4 January 2010·Updated: 14 May 2024·560 words·3 mins Happy New Year!
Automatically loading iptables rules on Debian/Ubuntu 17 November 2009·Updated: 14 May 2024·127 words·1 min If you want your iptables rules automatically loaded every time your networking comes up on your Debian or Ubuntu server, you can follow these easy steps.
Get the public-facing IP for any server with icanhazip.com 31 July 2009·Updated: 14 May 2024·71 words·1 min There are a ton of places on the internet where you can check the public-facing IP for the device you are using.
Plesk Professional Website Editor hangs at login 13 March 2008·Updated: 14 May 2024·177 words·1 min One of my biggest Plesk gripes is dealing with the Plesk Professional Website Editor.