W5WUT: My amateur radio station 20 April 2022·Updated: 14 May 2024·168 words·1 min Ham radio is the best (and most frustrating) hobby on the planet! 📻
Ham Radio FAQ 6 June 2019·Updated: 14 May 2024·3982 words·19 mins Welcome! #This page is a work in progress!
Getting started with ham radio repeaters 13 December 2018·Updated: 14 May 2024·1209 words·6 mins Repeaters are a great way to get into ham radio, but they can be tricky to use for new amateur radio operators. This post explains how to get started.
Takeaways from my foray into amateur radio 6 January 2018·Updated: 14 May 2024·1135 words·6 mins The Overland Expo in Asheville last year was a great event, and one of my favorite sessions covered the basics about radio communications while overlanding.