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SELinux and .forward files

··144 words·1 min
If you want to forward e-mail from root to another user, you can usually place a .


How to write e-mails to nerds (that they will actually read)

··790 words·4 mins
Standard e-mail etiquette is pretty obvious to most of us and if you’re good at it, you’ll get your point across more often without stepping on toes or causing unneeded confusion.

Success with stress

··529 words·3 mins
This is a copy of a post I wrote for the Rackspace Talent blog.

Dual-primary DRBD with OCFS2

··979 words·5 mins
As promised in one of my previous posts about dual-primary DRBD and OCFS2, I’ve compiled a step-by-step guide for Fedora.

Strategies for storing backups

··510 words·3 mins
Although it’s not a glamorous subject for system administrators, backups are necessary for any production environment.


Tap into your Linux system with SystemTap

··641 words·4 mins
One of the most interesting topics I’ve seen so far during my RHCA training at Rackspace this week is SystemTap.

Keep web servers in sync with DRBD and OCFS2

··535 words·3 mins
The guide to redundant cloud hosting that I wrote recently will need some adjustments as I’ve fallen hard for the performance and reliability of DRBD and OCFS2.

Monitor MySQL restore progress with pv

··250 words·2 mins
The pv command is one that I really enjoy using but it’s also one that I often forget about.

Securing your ssh server

··748 words·4 mins
One of the most common questions that I see in my favorite IRC channel is: “How can I secure sshd on my server?

Installing Xen 4 on Fedora 13

··85 words·1 min
Installing Xen can be a bit of a challenge for a beginner and it’s made especially difficult by distribution vendors who aren’t eager to include it in their current releases.

A nerd’s perspective on cloud hosting

··533 words·3 mins
Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way: The following post contains only my personal opinions.

Very unscientific GlusterFS benchmarks

··375 words·2 mins
I’ve been getting requests for GlusterFS benchmarks from every direction lately and I’ve been a bit slow on getting them done.

One month with GlusterFS in production

··1153 words·6 mins
As many of you might have noticed from my previous GlusterFS blog post and my various tweets, I’ve been working with GlusterFS in production for my personal hosting needs for just over a month.

Adding comments to iptables rules

··106 words·1 min
After I wrote a recent post on best practices for iptables, I noticed that I forgot to mention comments for iptables rules.

How to sell: a guide for technical people

··776 words·4 mins
I’ll admit it right now: I love engaging customers and learning more about how what we do at Rackspace can help their business or ideas take flight.

Why I’m a Racker

··176 words·1 min
I normally try to keep my work-related items separate from this blog, but I felt that I needed to break tradition for a moment.

Crash course in dsh

··371 words·2 mins
Thanks to a recommendation from [Michael][1] and [Florian][2], I’ve been using [dsh][3] with a lot of success for quite some time.